About Us

Daniel Hardt, N.D.

Licensed Naturopathic Doctor

Hi, I’m Dr. Daniel Hardt!
Imagine jumping out of bed each morning, completely energized and refreshed, feeling so good and healthy, and you are ready for whatever the world throws at you. Longevity Health Clinic wants to help you today.

My Story

Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, Dr. Daniel Hardt graduated from Garfield High School in 1963. He then continued his education in 1966 at Seattle University until he was drafted into service in 1969. In the United States Army, he served two years as a Advanced Clinical Corpsman at Lyster Army Hospital in Ft. Rucker, Alabama. He then volunteered in 1974 for the Air Force where he served two years as a Aeromedical Chief Corpsman in the 40th Aeromedical Evacuation at McCord Air Force Base, WA. He is also an accomplished pilot and served in United States Coast Guard Axillary as a Flight Officer.
In 1976 Dr. Daniel Hardt graduated from the National College Naturopathic Medicine in Seattle, WA. and Portland, OR. He also started training with Dr. A. L. LaRusch performing general practice, obstetrics, and minor surgery duties. In 1978, he became the Medical Director of Eugene Plasma Corp., where he supervised a 50 chair plasma donor center and monitored the physical status of the donor population. He also became the Medical Director of White Bird Medical Services in Eugene, OR. In 1979, he became the Medical Director of the Weight Reduction Center while simultaneously starting his own private practice. In 1980, Dr Hardt was instrumental in establishing prescription rights for Naturopathic Doctors in Oregon and nationally.
For over 40 years, Dr. Hardt has served his community through teaching, healing, and counseling at his Naturopathic Health Clinic also known as the Longevity Health Clinic. Dr. Hardt also served as an officer for the Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians, the State of Oregon Rural Health Coordinating Council, and as a member of the Lane County Community Health Council. He is an avid proponent, teacher, and student of Tai Chi, martial arts, and tango dancing.

Principles of
Naturopathic Medicine

The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae)

Naturopathic medicine recognizes an inherent self-healing process in people that is ordered and intelligent. Naturopathic physicians act to identify and remove obstacles to healing and recovery, and to facilitate and augment this inherent self-healing process.

Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam)

The naturopathic physician seeks to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness rather than to merely eliminate or suppress symptoms.

First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere)

Naturopathic physicians follow three guidelines to avoid harming the patient:

  • Utilize methods and medicinal substances which minimize the risk of harmful side effects, using the least force necessary to diagnose and treat;
  • Avoid when possible the harmful suppression of symptoms; and
  • Acknowledge, respect, and work with individuals’ self-healing process.

Treat the Whole Person

Naturopathic physicians treat each patient by taking into account individual physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and other factors. Since total health also includes spiritual health, naturopathic physicians encourage individuals to pursue their personal spiritual development.


Naturopathic physicians emphasize the prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to disease, and by making appropriate interventions in partnership with their patients to prevent illness.

My Approach & Values

We can help your body reach its maximum potential. Your body is made for health and will strive for that state when it is allowed to function freely in its natural environment. With only a few minutes a day, you can restore and re-align your body’s natural balance.  Our natural metabolic and enzymatic processes have been developed over thousands of years to function in harmony with the ecology of our planet.  Unfortunately, the current health care and food production systems do not promote this natural harmony. In fact, they have profoundly disrupted it for most Americans.

For the past thirty years, health care costs have been doubling every five years.  During this time, the health care model in this country has been based on an allopathic, or drug treatment/germ theory of medicine.  This model, with an emphasis on antibiotics and chemical drugs along with non-rotative, intensive chemical agriculture and livestock practices is at the foundation of our current health care cost crisis.  Medical clinics and pharmaceuticals are not providing the answer to this pressing health crisis.

However there is a better way to live.  You can feel better each morning.  One of the most important things you can do is to get your body the nutrition it needs to live a happy, healthy lifestyle, including the 90 essential nutrients your body requires (but probably doesn’t get) each and every day.  To aid our patients with this, we have found several superior quality supplemental product lines available to help you live a long, healthy, and happy life.

Please take advantage of the resources, tips, and health information here at LongevityHealth.com.  Thank you for visiting our website.

Contact Us

Call us today for the appointment.
You can also request an appointment or ask question using the form below.    
For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

14 + 12 =

Fax: (541) 683-4405

Clinic Hours:

Monday, Saturday, & Sunday: Closed
Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

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